Sunday, November 11, 2012

Two week Combo

So.. I'll admit I have totally neglected my Blog for the past two weeks. Oops, sorry. But here is a two week quick little update about what we have been talking about in class.

Last Week we talked about Marriage. I'll just be brief and say a few things that I have learned.
While talking about marriage, we learned about the steps that it we have to take to get there.
First we start with Dating, Just follow the 3 P's. Paired off, Paid for, and Planned out. Then there is Courting them (old school term I know, but it fits) Courting is dating exclusive, you date one person.  After you have found the one you want to be with you get engaged, set and date and get a ring. In this stage you practice making important decisions together and rely more on each other. Finally comes marriage!! Marriage is such a wonderful thing. I have been married to my wonderful husband for almost one year. One important thing to remember before the wedding though, is that its more important to spend time planning your marriage than it is planning your wedding. Your marriage lasts forever, the wedding is one day. Focus on your marriage and each other. I was so shocked when Brother Williams told us that the average wedding is $20,000! I don't even know what I would do with all of that money in a wedding! We also talked about the big adjustments after getting married. All adjustments are different for every couple, and each will get hit harder with some adjustments than others. But working through those is what makes you come closer together. Marriage is a wonderful experience and I would change it for anything!

Recently we have been talking about Crises. Particularly in the family. It was so interesting to learn about all the different stressors that can cause one crisis in a family. But what stood out to me the most was actually not the crisis itself, but how families handled them. I'm sure we all know a family or two who faced a tragic time and they completely fell apart. But what I've learned from that is that it wasn't the crisis that tore them apart. It was actually their thoughts during the event! Families that can still have positive thinking, or can still think of the bright side are more likely to come together when such events happen. Its all in our Thoughts! Our thoughts lead to our actions, so if we were to fight hard to have positive thoughts, then our actions would follow. Learning that has really changed how I want to act and think from now on, and I have made it my goal to think more positively in all my doings, even if I have the worst day there is still sunshine somewhere.